Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Had a great day today. Just looked out on Wikipedia to see what happened in the past on my birthday.

Watched the show Medium last night. In this episode, Allison re-lived the same day over four times, making different choices each time that resulted in very different consequences. The first time, she lost her legs in a car accident. The second time, an innocent man was killed. The third time, one of her best friends was killed. And, the fourth time, they arrested the bad guy and prevented anyone from getting hurt.

Question is:

Would you want to go back in time and start your life over at any given point in time and if you did, would you do anything different?

I'm not sure that I would. Even when bad things have happened to me, I have learned so much from the experience that I'm not sure I would avoid the painful part. And when I look back at those times when I thought it was the worst thing that could happen to me, it turned out to be the very best. Sometimes, we have to be thankful for those unanswered prayers!

Happy Holidays to everyone. I hope 2007 is everything you are looking for in the new year!


colleen m said...


Glad you had a great day :)

I am the same -- no regrets. Although TBH I could have seriously done w/o having a stillbirth. While I learned so much from the experience (and made some good friends) I think I would fine without the knowledge I now have.

Ahvarahn said...

Happy Birthday, Cathy!

Cathy with a C said...


I am sorry to hear you lost a child. That is the one thing that can keep me up in the middle of the night - worrying about something happening to one of my children. You "expect" to lose parents, friends, other family members, but you never expect your child to die before you die. I think it's probably changed you in many ways.


Metalchick said...

Hi Cathy,
There are times I wish I could go back in time to change one thing that would prevent the chain of unfortunate events. For me, that would be the day I accepted my good friend's offer to get me a job at McDonald's. If I told her "no thanks" instead, I could have prevented so many bad friendships, but then how else would I have learned what real friends are?
I did learn a lot and now I know why it's important to trust your gut feeling.
Anyways, here's to a brand new year and a fresh start!
Hope you have a Happy Holidays and a Rockin' New Year!

Gary said...

Hi Cathy, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you my dear. We're unwrapping presents, sipping coffee and about to call the UK. My Dad was amazed to watch the video of PT talking about Walkin On The Grid which I have on my Zune player. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Dave from Pennsylvania said...

Happy Birthday kiddo!