Friday, December 15, 2006

Been Tagged

Metalchick tagged me - 10 Things I would NEVER Do.... I've been trying to think of things I would never do and it has been really hard. So many times in my life, I've found myself doing things I had once sworn I would never do.

I'll probably have to do this in stages as I continue to think of things.

1.) I would never eat any of those disgusting things that people do on Fear Factor.
2.) I would never purposefully cheat someone, either for money or for some other reason. Trust is very important to me and being considered trustworthy is something I value.
3.) I would never run in a marathon. I like exercise (don't do it enough...) but I don't see the benefit of running that many miles at one time. I don't get the goal other than being able to say that you ran a marathon.
4.) I could never live somewhere that doesn't have the seasons. I get excited when we change seasons - when Fall becomes Winter, when Summer becomes Fall, etc.. Of course, with global warming, we are having really mixed-up seasons these days. Today, December 15, was almost 60 degrees!
5.) I could never stop loving my children, no matter what.

Will have to add five more items as they come to mind.


Metalchick said...

Hi Cathy,
You don't have to rush, take your time with this. It wasn't easy for me to come up with 10 things either. I had to save it as a draft three times. Don't worry about coming up with five more hings if you can't, these things are just for fun.

My finals have been over, but they went really well. My math final was a lot easier than I thought. My guitar final went well too, my blister hardened into a callous so it no longer hurt to pluck the strings. In my computer graphics class, there was no final, so that's it!

Dave from Pennsylvania said...

Add never take a tired guy out for drinks at one AM and have burgers for breakfast at the Ritz.....once in a life time is enough.