Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bumper Stickers

As I was thinking of the Ten Things I Would Never Do, I thought about bumper stickers. I've been given bumper stickers by people in the past and have never put them on my car. Like a tattoo, I always wondered what I would want to have on my car "forever" and have never used them. What would I want my car to say about me for a long period of time regardless of where I was and what part of the country I was driving through and where it was parked?

Now they have magnetic bumper stickers so they're no longer as permanent. I've put two bumper stickers on my car recently. (Another upsetting event for my 17-year old daughter who is constantly questioning me about my new behaviors! ) Regardless of the permanency, I think I could stand by these statements forever.

I often wonder what Christ would say to the person who is using his name and his words to tell someone else what they should or shouldn't be doing. You can substitute Buddha, the Prophet Mohommed, etc... for the name Christ. I do not think God (in whatever form) is pleased with how his children are treating each other and definitely does not want his name used as a reason.


Ahvarahn said...

These are a good choice of words you have on your car, Cathy. I did not realize that they have this kind of bumper sticker now. Does this mean the owner of the ‘Child-of-The-Month’ can give it back after about four weeks? The sticker I mean, not the child. And maybe we can rewrite the old classics, how does this sound?

“My New Magnetic Bumper Sticker: Sometimes it’s on my Porsche.”

I am reminded a little of myself at 17, when you drop little comments about the strong character of your daughter. Only now, I understand the humor, and what my parents meant when they said, “Oh, don’t worry dear, you will understand one day.”

Be well,

Koos F said...

Is there a sticker with another one of Gandhi's: Democracy in the USA? That would be a good idea.

Metalchick said...

Hi Cathy,
I like these bumper stickers too, I wish I could put the magnetic stickers on my car, but I can't because I have a Saturn and they're made of plastic!

I used to have a bumper sticker that said "your child is an honor student, but you're a moron."
I can't stand those "My child is student of the month at ____Elementary school." Just one is Ok, as long as it's not there too long. But the parents who put on two to ten of those damn stickers seem to be using their child as a trophy.
I once saw a bumper sticker that I wish I had bought that said "I love my child, whether they're an honor student or not!" Hopefully I can find it again, cause that's a sticker I would like to have on my car permanantly and when I have kids.

MagicMushroom said...

I dont have a car, but i love the concept of bumper stickers. I have lot's of T-Shirts with different slogans and sayings on instead which i suppose is the same kind of thing.

colleen m said...

This are great bumper stickers and I totally agree with them.

For the longest time I had -
Human Milk for Human Babies

But we trade in that car and I am not longer breastfeeding nazi! LOL