Monday, February 18, 2008

Not Tonight, Dear, I Have a Headache

I've been having severe headaches since mid-December. The doctor thought it was a sinus infection, but after two bouts of antibiotics with no relief, he sent me for a CT scan. No infection, so he sent me to an ENT. The specialist said I have a deviated septum and he thinks the headaches are caused by the sinus membrane touching the septum triggering the headache. The sinus medicine helps only because it shrinks the membrane, not because I really have sinus congestion.

I've always had problems with sinus headaches, but this has really gotten to be a major issue for me. I think it has as much to do with the deviated septum as it does with my thyroid levels. I had my thyroid taken out in high school. Took the same dose of replacement hormone until a few months ago when my doctor lowered my dosage. Now, I am in the low range of normal, but I'm having symptoms like really dry skin. During my research on the deviated septum, I found internet reports that lower levels of thyroid hormone can cause swelling in the sinus tissues. Now, I'm thinking that my past sinus problems were due to the deviated septum, but the recent long-running bout of headaches is really caused by my thryoid level. So far my doctor is resistent to increasing my dosage. Have another appointment with him tomorrow so am planning on pushing the issue further.

Surgery is scheduled for Feb 25 and I plan on going ahead with it. But, unlike all those other celebrities who have a new nose after their surgery for a "deviated septum", my surgeon says the outside of the nose looks unchanged after this type of surgery.

Great news is that my sister and her boyfriend narrowly escaped a tornado in the rash of tornado strikes this weekend. They were shopping at a Walmart and went home when the sirens went off. The tornado hit the Walmart, but her neighborhood and her house were not within its path. She doesn't have power or her phone, but she's safe and her family is safe!


grace said...

Hi Cathy, I am glad your sister is safe. wheh!

It sounds like the surgery will be a relief for you. I have had not had your problems, but even minor sinus headaches are horrible. So I will think of you next week. All shall go well.

I have switched my blog to invite, but I did not find an email for you, I would love for you to still come by, my e-mail is

be well, xo

Ahvarahn said...

Well it is good they have figured out the problem, and soon you will have relief, but don't believe all you read on the internet.

Good luck with the nose job and here's to a pain free and sucessful recovery.

Suesjoy said...

Whoa thank God your sis and boyfriend are alright! How scary.

All the best with your surgery, Cathy!
I know a little something about horrible headaches myself...

I will be sure to pray for you with my prayer shawl!

Take good care.

PS I agree with Paul! I stopped reading about my acoustic neuroma and facial paralysis on the internet.
I am not kidding - once I did - my face started to improve!
It's all in God's hands always has been. I just need to remember to get out of the way.


Rich Greiner said...

Wow, Good Luck, that sounds like it might help, so it's probably best to get it done ASAP. Glad your family came thru alight too.