Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Adding Photo to Profile

Updated my blog to the new Beta Blogger. Thought I could then add my photo to my profile by using the Hello picture sharing program. Unfortunately, that program only sends pictures to the old Blogger version.... Should have done the photo first.
Am excited about the NYC Joe's Pub show coming up. And, going to Chicago in December.


colleen m said...

Cute pic!!! I too cant wait for the ITAs!!!

Cathy with a C said...
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Gary said...

Not a problem Cathy. Cool set of photos Tim took there hey. What a night.

Rich Greiner said...

Cathy - drop me a line about where any bloggers are meeting for the Hershey show. Love to meet you all!!!!My home email is

OldOslo said...

Exciting times Cathy, enjoy every moment