Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Bad, bad blogger....

I've been too overwhelmed with work and other stresses to properly blog. I can't write about work on-line and that's been the biggest part of what's been going on. I have done some concerts since Feb (my last post!!) but mostly work with a lot of business travel.

I also have gotten a little too involved in Facebook and that takes up a lot of my online fun time. But I will try and do better in the future. I see I get some regular hits on here so I don't know if anyone is still really checking here or not!

Hope everyone is having a great start to their summer!

Check out this article on the new healthcare proposal. I'm really concerned about the amount of debt the US is taking on. I wouldn't be as concerned if I thought it was worthwhile debt. But, it seems that most of it is wasteful and ill-thought out. For example, the rush to approve the economic stimulus bill - what has that really done for us? And, how much pork was in those bills? We are making some really bad decisions and the fear that was used to get us into an poorly executed war is the same type of fear that is being used for the economy and the healthcare situation....

1 comment:

grace said...

Do my eyes deceive me?

You posted! lol, I check, and was pleasantly surprised to see you return to blogland.

Oh yes, this debt is very scary, so much of it has been so mismanaged and lots of greed involved. Seems with no concern for the 'american people' like us. Let's hope someone wakes up and something happens for the good.

nice to c u here ~ xo