Several of us went to a psychic fair today and had our fortunes told and underwent a reike healing exercise. I thought my reading went very well. I've done this before and had some readings that turned out to be extremely accurate - sometimes they would mention people in my life without any way of knowing about those people. Once I had a reader tell me something about my Uncle Charles. I told her I didn't have an Uncle Charles. She insisted I did. And, actually I did have an Uncle Charles, but we always called him Chuck and I never thought of him as Charles. Other readers took my comments and created a future based on my words and comments.
This reading was from tarot cards and I spoke very little so the reader was not feeding my information back to me. She started out by saying that I was working through an issue with my mother. I said I didn't have any issues with my mother. She insisted I did and that I was working through it and was beginning the separation process from her. That I needed to separate from her before I could have a permanent relationship with anyone. I asked her if possibly she was talking about my daughter. Since she is in her late teens, of course, we are working through the normal separation process. But in our case, we have always had issues with my dating ever since I left her father eight years ago. As she moves onto college and is dating herself, we are working through this.
My reader identified a number of issues I am currently working through and said she saw positive resolution by year-end. She also had positive things to say about my career. She had some messages from my father and said that he is trying very hard to contact me and is frustrated that I am not hearing him. My father died when I was 19 and after his death, I felt him and heard him quite often, but now, not so much. She said I need to start spending a few minutes a day opening myself up to him to try and let him get his messages through.
She had a lot of information about my daughter, that without my saying anything about her, was very true. I regret now I didn't ask about my son. Although another reader did say positive things about my son to my mother who was also at the event.
Next year, I am to have a stronger sense of stability and will be striving for balance in all aspects of my life. Since I feel more stable, I will have more peace and more relaxation and fun in my life.
On a sadder note, I have learned (not at the reading) someone I care about very much is probably going to die in the near future. He is at peace with this news, says he has had a good life and has done whatever reconciliation he needed to do with the people in his life. He is not an old man and should have had many more years to enjoy his life and family. He is going to live his days out the way he wants to and with the people who mean the most to him.
Hiya Cathy, I actually see a woman that lives in Centerville who I would consider, well, let's say, gifted. I actually just saw her last week, she had a huge influence on me several years ago but I still like to get an "update" from time to time. Looks like you've been busy. I will have to send a link to our myspace account for the band. See ya, Rich
I would love to go to one of those readings. I went once about 17 years ago. Most of everything she told me made sense. Some stuff came true.
I think it is interesting in what the reader told you about your dad. I too lost my dad when I was 19 but I don't think he has tried communicating with me. He has been in a few dreams of mine over the years. He never speaks, but I know he is happy. When I wake up, I actually feel that I have been with him. It is an extraordinary feeling.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like he has a good attitude about it all though.
I had a tarot reading once about 20 years ago, I made her stop, because it freaked my out. I remember what she was telling me, years later, and things turned out the way she was reading things.....too spooky for me.
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